Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hey HS Parents! Here is what we think should be on your radar this week:

Club 9/8 - Tonight, we're beginning a series called "Get Real". This series is all about community and what type of community God has created us for. Our students live in a world that is inauthentic. Social media has capitalized on this, and suddenly, they're operating in a society where they can edit their thoughts, manage the way they are perceived, and not be forced to have any true, face-to-face relationships. Tonight, will be specifically looking at how students are surrounded by community that is inauthentic, and how they are created for community that is honest, selfless, and encouraging. Here are some great questions to ask your student after club (or anytime during this series):

1. What did you learn about community?
2. Do you feel like your friends really know you? Who knows you best and why?
3. What do you think is one thing you're missing in your community?

Small Group 9/11 - On Wednesday, our small groups will kick off! The very first small group is a connection group. The students won't be going through any sort of curriculum this night, but rather just have fun with one another and get to know any new students. Your job is to encourage them to come - this is a really important group - and then ask some helpful questions afterwards:

1. What was the best part of small group tonight?
2. Who were you most excited to see tonight?
3. What are you looking forward to in small group this year?

Thank you, for the honor and privilege of serving your students at this place and time! Please continue to check the blog each Friday evening and, as always, call or email any student ministry staff at any time!

In Christ,
Sam Norris & Brandon Rickard

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