This week at Club, we continue the series entitled "Get Real". We are talking all about God's plan for Biblical community. Students live in a world where community is inauthentic, unaccountable, and undervalued. We believe that God teaches us that true, Biblical community is authentic, accountable, and extremely valuable. This week, we continue the series by looking at how true community is accountable.
When the Bible talks about the church, we are painted a picture of broken people following Jesus. This means broken people knowing and understanding the depth of their sin and their desperation for a savior. What happens when we receive the love and forgiveness of the cross? Our lives are changed. We don't follow God's good law because we can make ourselves acceptable to Him, but rather, we are acceptable to Him and follow his law because of what Jesus has done for us. This is a subtle but drastic difference in understanding the gospel. So, if our life change happens out of a changed heart, then the decisions we make and how we act as Christians directly corresponds to our understanding of how broken we are. If we truly understand how deceitful our hearts really are, then we would be clinging to accountability in all directions.
Now picture your student living in community without accountability. Maybe your child makes a decision to start having sex with his or her significant other. Or, maybe your child begins to treat people poorly - not inviting certain people to hang out, saying hurtful words, or spreading rumors about a peer - in order to feel better about themselves. Or maybe your student decides to start dressing promiscuously or drinking alcohol for attention. Imagine that every other student in your child's life watched these things happen and never sat your child down to say, "Hey, I'm worried about these decisions you're making. Want to let me know what's going on in your heart? I'd like to share what Jesus says about these things. He loves you and offers life that is so much fuller than anything you're chasing right now." Accountability matters not to make us "better Christians" but to remind us of how deceitful the world and our hearts are, and how much grace and love Jesus offers despite that. God then uses Biblical community to draw us closer to Himself and help us pursue good, beautiful, and true things. That is a picture of healthy, true community.
Questions for this week:
1. What does God say about accountability?
2. Who is one person in your life who you feel accountable to in your faith?
3. ENCOURAGE: Instead of asking another question, take a chance to encourage your student. Tell them where you have seen them make a decision to choose the things of God instead of the things of the world (this could be as small as choosing to be kind to a sibling when they could've been hurtful). Encouragement is powerful and important.
Small Group
This coming Wednesday, September 18, we will begin brand new curriculum. This year, we are going to study through three units how God is the Father, Son, and Spirit. Seems vague, but basically, we want students to learn that because God is these things, we are created to reflect, relate, work, rest, and rule. Let's start with just this week: "Created to Reflect".
This week, we will study about how humanity does three things:
1. Reflects God
2. Is distorted
3. Glorifies God
One of the main ideas we want students to take away is the understanding that despite what culture may say or whatever they tell themselves about their own identity and self-worth, the fact is that they, along with the rest of humanity, are created in God's image, intended to reflect and mirror God with all of who they are. Regardless of how young or how old, regardless of their color or gender, regardless of their socio-economic status or what they have done in life, everyone is created in God's image.
Questions for this week:
1. How can seeing others as image-bearers change the way you see and treat people?
2. How does knowing the purpose for why you were created change the way you see your gifts? What is one gift God has given you? (caring for people, music, hobbies, being outgoing, etc.)
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